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How Quickly Will My Health Share Pay For My Medical Bills?
It’s important to know how long you should expect your medical bills to be paid through your Health Share (or reimbursed, if applicable). While every Health Share has a different turnaround time, you can expect your medical bills to be paid anywhere from 5-10 business days (the fastest) to around 90 business days (the longest), with an average turnaround time of 45 days. The turnaround time starts after the Health Share member or the healthcare provider has submitted all of the itemized bills or receipts to be processed.
PS – click the links below to see my review for each Health Share! Other members have left their reviews as well, which is so helpful in making your decision.
Health Share Turnaround Time for Paying Medical Bills
Altrua HealthShare: 30-45 business days
Christian Care Ministry (Medi-Share): 30 business days
Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM): 60 days
Liberty HealthShare: 90 days
OneShare Health: 21 days
Samaritan Ministries: 60-90 days
Share Healthcare: Unknown. When I called to ask about this, I was told, “Depends on the provider” – There was no clear answer given to me.
Solidarity HealthShare: 90 days
Sedera: 30-60 days
Zion HealthShare: 5-10 Business Days
Which Health Share Should I Join?
There are a lot of Health Share plans to choose from, which is great, but it can also get overwhelming!
After much research on all of the Health Shares, I ended up writing an article on the Best Health Share Plans. In this post, I narrow it all down and let you know which health share plans I recommend.
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