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The Initial Unshareable Amount (commonly known as the “IUA”), is the amount the Health Share member would need to pay the medical provider before the Health Share community will “share” in any eligible medical expenses.
The member chooses which IUA amount they want, based on what the Health Share offers. Typically, the larger the member’s responsibility amount is before the Health Share “shares” in anything, the lower the monthly contribution amount.
The video below provides a great explanation on how an IUA works compared to the costs of traditional Health Insurance:
While all Health Shares have some sort of personal responsibility amount that needs to be paid before the Health Share community steps in, the following Health Shares specifically have an Initial Unshareable Amount: Samaritan Ministries, Sedera, and Zion HealthShare. Learn more about Health Share IUAs here.
Which Health Share Should I Join?
There are a lot of Health Share plans to choose from, which is great, but it can also get overwhelming!
After much research on all of the Health Shares, I ended up writing an article on the Best Health Share Plans. In this post, I narrow it all down and let you know which health share plans I recommend.
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