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Get a Zion HealthShare Quote
If you are looking to get a quote for Zion HealthShare, all of the information on pricing is shown below!
Select the Correct Age Range
First, select your Age Range, which is the age of the oldest member on the plan (it’s the oldest member in your household).
If the oldest person in your household is between the ages of 18-29, this is the quote:
If the oldest person in your household is between the ages of 30-39, this is the quote:
If the oldest person in your household is between the ages of 40-49, this is the quote:
If the oldest person in your household is between the ages of 50-64, this is the quote:
Ready to Enroll?
When you are ready to enroll with Zion HealthShare, go ahead and click on this button below.
Select Your Household Type
Next, select your Household Type. Who will be included in your Zion HealthShare membership?
Member Only = This is for a single or individual adult.
Member & Spouse = This is for two adults (married or not) without children.
Member and Child(ren) = This is for one adult with a child or multiple children.
Member Family = This is for two adults and a child or multiple children.
Select your Initial Unshareable Amount (IUA)
Next, it’s time to select your IUA.
The Initial Unshareable Amount, or IUA, is the amount that a member will pay before the Zion HealthShare community shares in medical expenses. The IUA is also known as your personal responsibility. Zion HealthShare has three primary levels of personal responsibility: $1,000, $2,500, and $5,000. The lower your personal responsibility (or IUA), the higher your monthly contribution will be.
All qualifying medical expenses submitted after the IUA is met are shareable with the Zion HealthShare community. There is no annual or lifetime limit. For each separate need, the Zion HealthShare community will share medical costs after the IUA is met. You will not need to pay the IUA for a single need again until you are symptom free for 12 months. Additionally, you will not be responsible for more than three IUAs in a rolling 12-month period.
You can see the complete IUA Guide here, if needed.
Do you have any Pre-Existing Conditions?
Zion HealthShare defines a pre-existing condition as any illness or accident for which a person has been diagnosed, received medical treatment, been examined, taken medication, or had symptoms prior to the effective date. If needed, you can learn more about Zion HealthShare and Pre-Existing Conditions.
If you or any other member in your household has a pre-existing condition, now is the time to share that information.
Are you a Tobacco User?
Zion HealthShare members, or households with one or more tobacco users, are required to contribute a higher monthly contribution to maintain membership. The monthly tobacco surcharge is $50 per household.
It’s not showing in the pricing info shown above, but when you go to enroll, you’ll select your Tobacco Use. Select “Does not use tobacco” if you don’t use any tobacco products. Select yes if any household member has used tobacco products in the last 12 months.
A member, or one or more members within a household, who has used any tobacco product one or more times within the past year is considered a tobacco user. Tobacco products include, but are not limited to, cigarettes, cigars, chewing tobacco, snuff, pipe tobacco, and inhaled products through vape, hookah, and similar delivery devices. Smoked cannabis products are considered tobacco for the purposes of the tobacco surcharge.
Confirm your Zion HealthShare Membership
Discover your Membership Rate, which is based on all of the information you have already selected. This is what your monthly Member contribution amount will be as a Zion HealthShare member.
The amount below is just an example on a test run that I did.
Payment Method
On the confirmation page, you will select your method of payment. Bank Account is preferred since using a credit/debit card costs Zion HealthShare extra money to process each year. Since Zion HealthShare is a non-profit and I would rather that money go to other member’s in need, I chose to input my Bank’s info for the payment method.
Payment Terms
In this section, it shows you what your monthly contribution amount will be (excluding tobacco surcharge if you have one, which you can see on the TOTAL amount on upper right hand corner of the image).
Also, make sure you have the correct start date for when you want to start your Zion HealthShare membership.
Make sure you read through and understand all of the terms and conditions.
Once you select the “Confirm” button (as you see on the far right), you will be enrolled into Zion HealthShare!
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