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If you are looking for Liberty HealthShare reviews, you have come to the right place!
Members join Liberty HealthShare or other health shares when they are looking for an alternative to health insurance.
Unlike a health insurance company, a health sharing ministry has specific requirements for current members to join or have eligible medical bills shared.
I will go over member responsibility amounts (what member’s pay before the community shares in any medical bills), monthly costs (this is dependent on age, individual/family memberships, and the Member Responsibility amount you choose), preventative sharing, pre-existing conditions, maternity, turnaround time to pay medical bills, and any special considerations to be aware of.
About Liberty HealthShare
It’s important to know that Liberty HealthShare is not an insurance company. Liberty HealthShare is a non profit organization, which is run as a health care sharing ministry.
Liberty HealthShare members are a like minded community of health-conscious individuals and families that want to make wise healthcare decisions.
Each Liberty HealthShare member commits to bearing one another’s burdens in prayer, encouragement, and share medical care expenses with one another.
How much does Liberty HealthShare Cost?
The monthly cost ranges from $159 to $1,239.
It is an additional $50 each month for each family member over 5 people (so after three kids, you are paying an extra $50 for each additional child).
There is also a $75 annual renewal fee for all three Liberty HealthShare programs.
What are the Member Responsibility Amounts?
Liberty HealthShare has an Annual Unshared Amount (AUA). The AUA is what the member needs to pay first, before any medical costs are eligible for sharing.
Liberty Health Share has several program levels, which have different AUA amounts that must be paid. It’s important to choose the right program for you, as well as being aware of what the out of pocket cost would be for yourself or your family if a medical services are required.
Your AUA amount is determined by your account type;
Single: $1,000 (Liberty Unite and Liberty Connect) or $4,000 (Liberty Essential Plan)
Couple: $1,750 (Liberty Unite), $2,000 (Liberty Connect) or $8,000 (Liberty Essential Plan)
Family: $2,250 (Liberty Unite), $3,000 (Liberty Connect) or $12,000 (Liberty Essential Plan)
After you fulfill your Annual Unshared Amount (AUA), you may share eligible medical costs.
Eligibility for Sharing Limited to Medical Expenses exceeding $200
Medical Expenses $200 or less in billed charges (per visit/per member) are not to be submitted and are ineligible for sharing, unless otherwise noted in the member sharing guidelines. Ineligible expenses cannot be applied to a Member’s Annual Unshared Amount (AUA).
- This means that if you have medical bills less than $200, members will pay for them, even if they are related to an eligible larger medical expense. The member would need to pay their AUA, they would pay for all bills less than $200, and then Liberty HealthShare would pay for the rest of the eligible medical bills.
Source: Liberty HealthShare 2022 Sharing Guideline Amendments
What are the Liberty HealthShare Programs?
Liberty HealthShare has three different programs to choose from.
The difference in each program is largely based on how much sharing is available to members if any large and unexpected (not pre existing) medical expenses are incurred.
Liberty Unite
Liberty Health Share members have sharing available up to $1,000,000 (per incident) of fair and reasonable eligible medical expenses. This total amount is shareable after the member’s Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) has been met.
For the Liberty Unite program, the AUA is: $1,000 (Single), $1,750 (Couple), or $2,250 (Family).
Liberty Connect
Liberty Health Share members have sharing available up to $1,000,000 (per incident) of fair and reasonable eligible medical expenses. This total amount is shareable after the member’s Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) has been met.
Members will also be responsible to pay a 15% co-share.
For the Liberty Connect program, the AUA is: $1,000 (Single), $2,000 (Couple), or $3,000 (Family).
Liberty Essential Plan
Liberty Health Share members have sharing available up to $600,000 (per incident) of fair and reasonable eligible medical expenses. This total amount is shareable after the member’s Annual Unshared Amount (AUA) has been met.
Members will also be responsible to pay a 25% co-share.
For the Liberty Essential Plan, the AUA is: $4,000 (Single), $8,000 (Couple), $12,000 (Family)
What is Liberty HealthShare’s process to get Medical Expenses paid for members?
Each month, members contribute a monthly share amount. This amount varies depending on family size, health needs and program level. Once your share is sent, it is then paired to another member who has submitted an eligible medical expense. This giving and receiving is all done directly in your ShareBox.
How Liberty HealthShare works
When a member needs medical care, they can visit any provider or medical facility of their choice.
Members would present their Liberty HealthShare membership ID and identify themselves as a self pay patient.
Any eligible medical expense submitted by the provider or Member are shared by other members.
What are the Requirements to Join Liberty HealthShare?
Liberty HealthShare is a health care sharing ministry. This means that members must agree to and adhere to Christian standards and beliefs. The required beliefs are less strict or specific than other religious Health Sharing plans, but they do require members to “participate regularly in worship or prayer”.
What about Pre Existing Conditions?
If you or a family member has any pre existing conditions, you can still join Liberty HealthShare. However, there is a waiting period for your first year of membership (meaning nothing related to your pre existing condition will be eligible for sharing) and after the first year, there are some limitation on how much will be shared in relation to your pre existing condition.
How are Pre Existing Conditions Handled at Liberty Health Share?
During the first year of membership, there is a waiting period for pre-existing medical conditions.
During the second and third year, they will share up to $50,000 for pre-existing conditions.
After the fourth year (or the “37th month of continuous membership”), they do not consider it a pre-existing condition anymore.
Are Preventative Services Available for Sharing?
After the first two months of membership, annual wellness visits and related lab work are shared up to $400 per visit.
Annual Wellness visits are not subject to guideline limitations for medical expenses $200 or less.
What are the Maternity Benefits?
Mothers who have been a Sharing Member for at least six consecutive months prior to conception are eligible for sharing maternity expenses.
Sharing is limited to $125,000 per pregnancy (whether for a single or multiple birth pregnancy) and subject to the Annual Unshared Amount (AUA).
How long does it take for Liberty Health Share to Pay for Medical Bills?
Liberty HealthShare states that it may take up to 90 days to pay bills for members.
Liberty HealthShare sent out an email on 03/01/2022 to all members stating that they have a backlog on paying for people’s medical bills. Members are currently waiting longer than 90 days to pay providers.
Important Considerations about Liberty HealthShare
Class Action Lawsuit
The biggest consideration for Liberty HealthShare is their current backlog on paying for people’s medical bills, which has resulted in a class action lawsuit (you can read more about it here).
Liberty HealthShare sent out an email to their members on 03/01/2022 and said that they were making big changes in leadership, to their membership plans, and to their pricing to help fix current issues.
While I have read negative reviews for Liberty HealthShare, I am starting to see more positive reviews where medical expenses are paid in a more timely manner. This is good news for any medical expense moving forward.
Limitations on Sharing Available to Members
As with any Health Sharing ministry, it’s also important to consider Liberty HealthShare membership plan’s caps and limitations:
Liberty Unite Plan – Up to $1 million shareable per incident after AUA has been met.
Liberty Connect – Up to $1 million shareable per incident after AUA has been met. Members pay a 15% co-share.
Liberty Essential – Up to $600,000 sharable per incident after AUA has been met. Members pay a 25% co-share.
As a Liberty HealthShare member, are you comfortable with the limitations on sharing? If you join the Liberty Connect or Essential plan, are you comfortable with the Annual Unshared Amounts and the co-share?
Unlike the typical health care sharing ministry, Liberty HealthShare seems to be more comparable to the costs of an insurance company and their health insurance plans.
Do I recommend Liberty HealthShare?
While I am seeing some improvements with how Liberty HealthShare is handling medical bills in a more timely fashion, all the negative reviews (past and present) are still a very big concern for me.
I recommend looking at my article on the Best Health Share Plans. You will find which health share plans I recommend to help you on your search for affordable healthcare.
Write a Liberty HealthShare Review
Are you a current or former member of Liberty HealthShare? If you have any experience with Liberty HealthShare, please write a review!
Reading other people’s Health Share experiences is a huge when trying to make a decision about which Health Share to join. In fact, over 90% of people will read online reviews before they buy a product or service! Please consider writing a Liberty HealthShare review!
Works for us
We’ve never had a problem with Liberty paying out claims on a relatively timely basis. We’re also finding more and more places that will bill Liberty directly instead of being reimbursed. They may have had a problem a few years ago paying out on a timely basis, but not so now. The only issue we’ve had is that providers sometimes have trouble providing us with the proper info needed to get reimbursement, because they’re incompetent. Much better than paying out $25K under the ACA before a single bandaid is covered at 80%
Liberty Healthshare is a Fraud and Ripoff Scam. STAY AWAY.
02/23/2024 Liberty Health Share is a scam. Stay clear of this criminal scam company, and I don’t mean back a few years ago when they were sued for fraud and embezzlement, I mean now in 2024. This company only takes money and never pays the bills you submit. The phone help only gives you the scripted run around trying to tire your out so you give up and they keep your money. They won’t let you cancel your auto payment on the phone and require one month notice in writing to cancel your billings.
Still waiting for payment (we’re in the “backlog”)
A good idea – healthsharing – when managed well. Sadly, we’re waiting for bills from 2020-2021 to be paid to a children’s hospital. Other bills the providers made us pay and so now the money is owed to us. I haven’t given up all hope but I sure don’t have much for those bills getting paid any time soon if at all. They will get to it someday, we’re told, as finances allow. I could have taken insurance through work and now have it. Wish I had done that years ago but I believed in the concept of medical sharing back then.
Christian Scam – 🥺😢😩
I was a paying member for 10+ yrs. A medical emergency left me with large hospital bill. Liberty paid 1/6. Now I have a huge medical debt. They are not an Insurance company, they are a “Christian” ministry that takes your money but won’t pay your medical bills😱
Getting Better
I have been extremely frustrated in the past with Liberty. I have noticed over the last 8 months their reimbursement is getting better. I hope it stays that way.
liberty healthshare is a scam – They do not pay your medical bills
We have been sent to collections for Liberty’s unwillingness to pay bills. We trusted this “ministry” but DO NOT put your money money here. You will be disappointed and ruined. My wife’s stellar credit is tanking due to the surmounting pile of unpaid invoices. Some of these are over 2 years old. Liberty says they don’t have the money currently to pay. I found a disturbing article on propublica about Liberty Healthshare. Look it up Liberty has used the money for everything except paying medical bills.
Dissappinting service
Started out okay then became incredibly cumbersome to process reimbursements. Payments were never made in a timely manner and required a lot of additional documentation which became extremely time consuming. Additionally, the cost has grown tremendously each year. It’s not all that different from typical health ins. Terminating the service now only to find I need to mail in a written notice. Disappointing and costly experience all around.
They don’t pay their responsibility and your credit rating will suffer if you wait for them
Stay away!!!! This is the worst company to do business with. They failed to pay a hospital stay which put my credit rating in a tailspin. 1 year after that was resolved they refused to take care of another of their responsibility and I paid it to avoid the same issue. I was told I would be reimbursed but it has been 2 years. Just last month I had to pay 100% of my annual that is supposed to be covered. This company is a sham, look up all of the lawsuits, buyer beware!
Terrible company
I had issues with Liberty then I read this news story and knew why…
Do Not Join Liberty Healthshare
This company is in trouble. They are not able to pay long-time customer’s medical bills. I have two accounts in collection for bills as old as 2020. It has been a nightmare ever since I joined in 2018.
I would rate a negative 10 if I could. Stay away!
Don’t even think about it !… is a nightmare
I ALWAYS Pay on time for the past 6 YEARS and I been waiting over a yr for them to pay a bill, thanks to them my PERFECT CREDIT is RUIND and I’m on COLLECTIONS , they never took the time to let me know I was waiting for my turn in line for my bill to get pay, now every time I call they will say “they are working on it “
Cancellations of policy
You can cancel your policy at any time…Great !!! But, did you know once you cancel, Liberty Health Share also cancel your policy for the last 2 months and does not cover you at all. They accept your money but not your bill… As a result, I paid almost $1000 for the last 2 months premium and have to pay all medical bills including MRI, blood work, biopsy and all doctors I visited. That will put me in debt like it is no one business.
The reason?? They claim they have to protect their ministry. What about their clients ? They just don’t care. Money making is the only reason why they are in business. Non profit organization ? Christian base ? Let me laugh… They just a bunch of thieves. Nothing else.
I’m Ready to Dump Liberty Healthshare
They started off well, but then got too popular, stopped paying medical bills (so the medical provider may come after you directly), and the icing on the cake is the $200 and below ineligible costs. My family has a lot of doctor office visits and they’re always $200 or less, so we’re out of pocket for thousands of dollars that can’t be shared and don’t even count towards our AUA (basically the deductible) and we have their most expensive plan! This is a big reason I’m looking to dump Liberty.
Not likely to stay in business
I could write a really long description of their mistreatment of me as a member, but I’ll try to be brief. When I first started using them about five years ago it seemed much better. Then they stopped paying the bills they were obligated to pay in a timely way. Apparently, they had some scandal with their top leadership misusing the members money (not something most people know), and then things started getting more expensive, and less benefits. They failed to pay one of my claims for so long it went into collections, ruing my credit while I was trying to buy a house. This caused my interest rate to increase by 1/2 point. That’s a lot of money over the term of a mortgage. Now the latest incident is that they have had me wait almost the full 120 day maximum (it’s not 90 days as you state in your summary) to get reimbursed for a $10,000 claim. Their people are trained to avoid answering questions directly, and go back to the statement that “This is not insurance. You are responsible for covering your own medical expenses.” If, I’m totally responsible why am I paying you guys $687 per month!
Never, Never, not ever should anyone sign up for this rip-off plan. I suspect they will be out of business soon.
Don’t Pay Bills in a Timely Fashion
Liberty Healthshare has not paid bills that meet sharing requirements that are almost a year old.
Better than your average bear
I have used Liberty Healthshare for the past few years. I truly appreciated so many parts of this provider. First, the price is unbeatable, particularly for a big surgery I had to have.. And second, beyond my deductible, I was eventually reimbursed for all expenses. However, I sometimes had to call and figure out why I wasn’t getting the whole amount and then get it fixed. Also, reimbursement took me up to 9 months, which is very odd. When I called Liberty to ask when I would be getting the checks, I was told they had no idea and could not answer the question. Twice my medical providers threatened me with a collection service, and I had to take a great deal of time to prevent this, all due to Liberty not sending them the reimbursement check in a timely fashion. However, all of the people I have spoken with there were patient, caring and helpful.
Worked great until I needed it
I have been with Liberty for 5 years and really never needed it until I fell and broke my ankle last summer. I had surgery in June 2021 and to date, the hospital bill has not been paid. They have only paid the smaller bills that came in as a result of the injury and most of my providers now expect me to pay the minute I walk in the door. No billing for me, and they will NOT submit to Liberty on my behalf anymore.
6 year member and I’m done!
After being a member for 6 years the premium increase from 650$ a month to 999$ a month has pushed me over the edge! In 6 years I have only made one claim. I had an appendectomy in April of 2021. I have been sent to collections by the hospital, surgeon, and anesthesiologist. to protect my credit I paid the surgeon, anesthesia out of my pocket, and set up a payment plan w the hospital. I have contacted liberty healthshare regarding payment countless times. I get the same story every time- Its in the funding department ready to be paid.
I refuse to give this (Christian) organization another dime!! A more appropriate name for the health share organization would be satans healthshare! Or Liberty healthscam! This is a horrible organization! I encourage any member to change and avoid the financial problems you will have if you do encounter medical bills.
The language i would prefer to use to describe them would probably sensor this review!
Ticked off Mainer
As a Liberty Healthshare member for 9 years, I wish that I didn’t have to say this, but STAY AWAY FROM LIBERTY HEALTHSHARE.
I never needed to make use of Liberty until last year. My wife needed expensive surgery for tumors and the procedure was approved by Liberty. Now, almost year later, I am still owed $40,000 in reimbursements and all I get from Liberty is “First in, first out”.
I had to beg and borrow money to pay providers and collections people. And my credit it ruined.
Run far, far away!
Just do not risk it! Their reimbursement times take forever (my oldest bill is 9 months old since submitted date and counting) and they have made no progress on my bills in over 3 months- literally not a single thing paid since January. They used to pay things but now they do not anymore. They owe me almost $6k and I am lucky I didn’t have more medical bills than I did! You can lose your shirt if something happens. Their policies keep getting more ridiculous and their wait times longer and longer. Also stay away from Crossway, Netwell, and Share Healthcare. Every time one of the Liberty founders healthshares go under, they just start a new one and those are their new ones.
I am so furious with Liberty Healthshare but I am stuck!!!!
I have had Liberty HealthShare since 2015 and in the beginning they did alright. They paid what they said they would pay albeit in a much later timeframe but paid. I had a huge surgery that they paid every penny of and went the extra mile to make happen in 2019 but other than that every single bill has gone to collections that they are supposed to pay. If I pay out of pocket they never reimburse me. The last check I received from them was a few years ago. This past Friday I received a bill from my gastro doctors office with bills from more than a year back unpaid. I hadn’t seen anything so I was shocked. Their cover letter states that Liberty told them that they had not released any payment due to “lack of funds” on their behalf with no explanation of when they would pay. My credit used to be over 800 and it has tanked because of Liberty. I am an independent contractor (Realtor) and I can’t even get any kind of insurance until October so I don’t know what to do. I have called them over an over and get the same response…they are working on it….considering seeking a lawyer….
Currently Liberty has over 1000 complaints with BBB over 300 with Ohio AG, and a class action lawsuit has been filed and settlement with Ohio AG with all kinds of allegations…how they have any members is beyond me
Run, don’t walk away from this scam “health share” organization
Went for a office visit and negotiated the lower price myself. Had to get the health codes myself despite having called their customer service three times prior. Seven weeks later, called LibertyHealthShare for an estimate of when I would be reimbursed for the paperwork I submitted 7 weeks prior. That’s assuming they like the health codes provided by the doctors office. After 3 phone transfers and 40 minutes, they had no answer! Then some bish transferred me back to the regular line instead of a supervisor after lying about having an extension… that she couldn’t transfer me to. Not to mention they’ve raised their prices 30% for 2022 and with a 25% co-pay for the same “coverage”. This means that for a 600K per occurrence max limit, you pay monthly premiums + 150000. Our advice would be to look elsewhere.
Poor management
Don’t waste your money. I paid every month for 5 years. Last year was the first year I ever needed anything to be shared. Very quick to take my money but stupid slow to help. Now they’ve raised prices way past what catastrophic insurance would cost but they only offer catastrophic level coverage plus they added guilt trip if you need to use it.
Liberty has crashed and burned.
Liberty Healthshare was fine until a few years ago. Now it is a mess, sad to say. I do not recommend it to anyone.
As self-employed people, we were priced out of any health insurance plans after the ACA went into effect. The last year we had insurance, it went up to almost $20,000 a year, with (I think) a $10,000 deductible. So we dropped insurance, and were happy to find Liberty. We planned to use it just for catastrophic coverage, and pay our regular medical expenses out of pocket, as we had to when we had insurance.
The first year was fine, and then we DID have catastrophic expenses — when I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Liberty covered that, praise God. Since then it has been one problem after another. They are insanely delayed in paying providers, and won’t reimburse for annual wellness exams or mammograms, even though that’s required by law. On paper, they SAY they do, but I am currently in collections for my April 2021 mammogram, which never got paid, as well as charges from a 2018 mastectomy that should have been taken care of long ago, and I assumed HAD.
We are hanging on until we can get Medicare, because insurance is still unaffordable for the self-employed.
Liberty was a great concept and probably worked well until it was overrun with people fleeing from Obamacare. They got overwhelmed and have never caught up.
They will take your money and not pay your bills
It’s not more complicated than that. Might as well set your money on fire. Bills remain unpaid, go to collections, credit tanks, you pay it anyways (with the credit hit) then never get reimbursed. Just read the other 100 examples of it.
0/10 would not recommend. My disappointment is immesurable
Not Christ like at all!
So I have been a member for 8 years or maybe more. Never used their service or need until I was diagnosed with cancer. I got all surgeries approved, all radiation approved and was told a year and 2 months ago that I would have a $2,500 deductible. The rest would be paid. Well after a year they still cannot tell me when the doctors will be paid for service. They cannot tell me who is in charge of that department. I have paid ever $6,000 out of my pocket, in collections and as I call liberty health share for answers I get , “ I don’t know, I don’t know. I can answer that”
I they are such a scam! Do not. I repeat! Do not pay one dime to these crooks!
Once again a scam in the name of Christ!
Reimbursement time has gone WAY downhill
We have been with Liberty Healthshare for 6 years. The first 4 years were great. Most of our providers would bill Liberty directly. I had to stay on top of making sure all the correct paperwork had been submitted but I figured it was worth the savings we were getting. During the first four years, our family had 4 major surgeries all of which were covered as specified.
Fast forward to 2020 and things fell apart. My husband had a back surgery scheduled for the last week of December and the hospital called the week before and told us they would no longer bill Liberty because they took so long paying bills. They gave us a huge discount but we had to pay nearly $50,000 out of pocket. Liberty promised to reimburse within 180 days. My daughter then fell and had to have surgery in February 2021. There goes another $15,000 out of pocket. Who has this kind of money sitting around. I assure you we do not!
So here we are a lot of phone calls and broken promises, looking for a lawyer and we finally received reimbursement for my husbands surgery in January 2022. Over 12 months later.
Did they pay? Yes. Was it stressful? Yes. NOT WORTH THE SAVINGS.
We are in the process of dropping them and going with a different plan. We will pay more out of pocket but without the stress. We still hope to be reimbursed for our daughters surgery but we can no longer hold our breath.
If you have plenty of money that you are willing to pay out and wait for reimbursement. Plus plenty of time to sit on calls and are willing to take their promises with a grain of salt and just be patient, this may be a good plan for you.
Run from this company
Before you consider Liberty Healtshare please go to the BBB of Canton, Ohio and the Attorney General of Ohio and see the complaints and reviews…you might also check with you own Attorney General…the shear volume of complaints will overwhelm you…
They are a nightmare
They currently have masses of complaints with Ohio Attorney General and other Attorney generals all over US and reviews on BBB are a nightmare…run run run. Currently if u can get a straight answer they are paying bills 12 months out and more
Health shares
Health shares are amazing! If you haven’t already look into getting shared cost and reliable care that you and your family needs.