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About Zion HealthShare
Zion HealthShare is a non-profit Health Share organization. They provided a simple and easy way for members to share in one another’s medical needs. Zion HealthShare is mainly designed to help members with larger or unexpected medical bills.
Is Zion HealthShare the same as Health Insurance?
It’s important to know that Zion HealthShare is NOT Health Insurance. Zion HealthShare is a Health Share, or a Medical Cost Sharing Company, which is an alternative to Health Insurance. Zion HealthShare provides an organized way for members to share in one another’s medical bills.
How Does Zion HealthShare Work?
Members pay a monthly contribution amount. This money is set aside for eligible medical needs of the Zion HealthShare community.
When an eligible medical need arises, the member would first pay their Initial Unshareable Amount (IUA) directly to their provider. This is the amount that members will be responsible for paying out-of-pocket per need before your medical bills can be shared with the Zion HealthShare community.
Then the member would submit their itemized bills online to Zion HealthShare. Be sure to include receipts that show that you have already paid your IUA.
Zion HealthShare will quickly work to negotiate the costs down with your medical provider(s) and pay the appropriate amount(s) due.
How a Health Share is different from Health Insurance
Here are some of the ways a Health Share is different than Health Insurance:
- A Health Share is a nonprofit organization.
- A Health Share has open enrollment all year long.
- Health Shares are month-to-month and can be cancelled at any time.
- Health Share Plans are not required to share in Minimum Essential Coverage benefits, like Health Insurance plans. Depending on which state you live in, you may need to have MEC Insurance in addition to your Health Share membership.
- Health Share plans are typically designed for larger unexpected medical needs and is also a big reason why Health Share plans are much more affordable.
- Health Share organizations decide what medical expenses are shared with the community, and how the medical bills are paid.
- Each Health Share chooses who can join their community, based on similar beliefs or ideologies.
- With a Health Share, there are usually restrictions or waiting periods for pre-existing conditions.
- Health Share plans typically do not have network restrictions.
Benefits of Joining a Health Share
Save Money: One of the biggest benefits to joining a Health Share is the amount of money you save. in fact, most people save up to 30-60% on their healthcare costs when they join a Health Share.
No Network Restrictions: Another benefit of joining a Health Share that you typically do not have any network restrictions to worry about. You get to go to the right doctor or healthcare facility that works best for you.
No Contracts: You can join a Health Share year-round and can cancel at anytime.
Ideal Candidates for Joining a Health Share
A Health Share is perfect for those that meet the following criteria:
- Under 65 years old
- Lives a healthy lifestyle and generally a healthy person
- Believes in the concept of sharing in one another’s medical burdens
- Wants to save money on their healthcare costs
- Wants help available to them in case of larger unexpected medical bills
- Needs flexibility to join or cancel at any time
- Wants to have the freedom to choose which medical professional they can see (without network restrictions)
Which Health Share Should I Join?
There are a lot of great options to choose from! You can read more about Zion HealthShare and you can find out which Health Share I think is the Best Health Share for Individuals and Families.
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