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As a member of the Christian community, you might have heard about something called Christian Health Insurance, which provides affordable healthcare to their members.
Before I continue, it’s important to understand that Christian Health Insurance is not actually Health Insurance.
What Is Christian Health Insurance?
Christian Health Insurance isn’t Health Insurance. It’s actually a Health Share!
Christian Health Insurance is just one of the many names used to describe a Health Share.
Whether you call it a Health Share, Healthcare Sharing Ministry, Health Share Ministries, or Medical Cost Sharing company, they all pretty much mean the same thing: It’s a non-profit organization of like-minded individuals that agree to share in one another’s medical burdens.
The key difference is that some Health Share organizations are a “ministry”, which means that there is going to be a specific faith or religious requirement to become a member. The faith-based Health Share ministries will usually have a religious aspect to their sharing as well, such as not sharing in maternity costs for an unwed mother.
There are two Health Share organizations that have no religious affiliations or requirements to join them: Sedera and Zion HealthShare. Both Health Shares welcome people of all faiths and have chosen to create a community of members who all agree to be proactive about their health.
Health Sharing is an interesting concept when you consider how individuals and families can come together as a community to help each other with large and unexpected medical bills. These programs can help members save up to 60% on their monthly costs of their healthcare.
Let’s discuss what it is and how you can find the right Health Share plan for your family’s needs – plus save money on your overall health care expenses.
How Christian Health Share Plans Got Their Start
Today’s medical cost sharing communities, also known as Health Shares, began in the 1980’s when a beloved Pastor got into a serious car accident. The Christian community came together to pay for his medical bills. The same community decided to continue following the biblical mandate to “bear one another’s burdens” by sharing healthcare costs in a simple and effective way.
While most Health Shares today have a religious component (also known as a Health Share Ministry), there are also Health Shares that do not require a religious affiliation to join them.
Health Share organizations are made up of like minded people who are choosing to live a healthy lifestyle and want to share in one another’s medical needs.
This means that anyone – individuals or families – can join a Health Share that fits their needs!
What are Health Care Sharing Ministries?
Health Care Sharing Ministries are faith-based Health Share plans that provide an organized way for sharing in each other’s medical expenses. Members must choose to live by specific Christian principles that are outlined for each specific Health Care Sharing Ministry.
Families that want to have faith based healthcare that represents their Christian values will likely resonate with Christian Health Care Sharing Ministries.
How Are Medical Bills Paid?
Health Share members have monthly contributions where they send a set amount of money each month to their Health Share community.
When an eligible medical need arises, the member would submit a “Need” to the Health Share. Before the Health Share would pay or “share” in any medical bills, the member would first pay their member responsibility amount (it’s called different things at different Health Shares, but it is very similar to a deductible).
Once the member has paid their responsibility, the Health Share would “share” in all eligible medical expenses.
A Health Share is a great alternative to Health Insurance. In the long run, members save money each month, help other members in the community, and still have that security knowing that larger eligible medical bills will be “shared” once you’ve paid your member responsibility amount.
How is this different from Traditional Health Insurance?
While health care costs have increased, traditional insurance has also increased. And consumers are looking for a better alternative to Health Insurance.
That’s where Health Share Plans come in.
First, it’s important to remember that a Health Share plan is not Health Insurance.
Here are some of the main differences between Health Share Plans and Health Insurance:
- Health Share plans are typically designed for large and unexpected medical needs.
- Memberships are affordable and allow you to access healthcare through cost sharing.
- Health Share Plans are not required to share in Minimum Essential Coverage benefits. Keep in mind that many Health Share plans do share in some preventative healthcare, such as annual wellness visits.
- Each Health Share organization decides on which medical expenses are shared with the community, and how the medical bills are paid.
- Each Health Share chooses who can join their community, based on similar beliefs or ideologies.
- There are usually restrictions or waiting periods for pre-existing conditions.
Whether you are an individual, a family, or a small business with employees, you can absolutely find affordable health care for your needs.
What about the Affordable Care Act?
Since 2019, you are not required to obtain Minimum Essential Coverage under the Affordable Care Act and you will not be penalized for failing to purchase traditional health insurance.
For most Americans, you can simply join a Health Share and use that as an alternative to traditional Health Insurance.
However, there are a few states that have individual state mandates: California, District of Columbia, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
If you live in one of the states mentioned above, you will still need to meet the minimal Health Insurance requirement. For those that live in Vermont, there is currently no financial penalty for not having Minimum Essential Coverage.
Which Christian Health Insurance Does Dave Ramsey Recommend?
Dave Ramsey has talked highly of Health Share plans in general, saying that they are known for being “very reliable”.
When talking specifically about Christian Care Ministry (Medi-Share), Dave Ramsey has said, “MediShare, as an example, has a great reputation.”
When talking about Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM), Dave Ramsey has said, “We trust Christian Healthcare Ministries to take care of our Ramsey fans. Between their quality coverage and affordable prices, they are a great healthcare alternative.”
According to, Dave Ramsey officially endorses Christian Healthcare Ministries (CHM) on his website. He has an entire page dedicated to CHM and has an affiliate link to their website if you choose to enroll with them.
Which Health Share I Recommend to Christians and Non-Christians Alike
After reviewing all of the Health Share options, the one I find myself recommending is Zion HealthShare.
Here’s a few reasons why:
- Zion HealthShare accepts members of all faiths. Most Health Shares are faith-based and will not allow people to join them if they don’t agree or live by their religious beliefs and guidelines. This means that even though I am a devout Christian (you know, going to church every week, volunteer regularly in my church community, avoid drugs, alcohol, etc.), I STILL don’t “qualify” for many of these “Christian Health Shares”. Because of this, I recommend Zion HealthShare to all of my fellow Christian friends. If you’re not Christian, I recommend Zion HealthShare to you, too! 🙂
- Zion HealthShare is a community of individuals who strive to live a healthy lifestyle and want to share in the costs of one another’s medical burdens. With healthy members, this helps keep costs down for everyone.
- Zion HealthShare is a Nationwide Health Share, so you can live anywhere in the United States and become a member.
- Zion HealthShare members typically save 30-60% off of traditional Health Insurance.
- Zion HealthShare does not have annual or lifetime caps on eligible need requests. In comparison, most Health Shares have caps or limitations on sharing.
- Members get to work with their doctor or hospital of choice, without network restrictions.
- Zion HealthShare is known in the industry and to its members for processing medical needs quickly – often within five to ten business days (once all receipts and bills are submitted)!
- Zion HealthShare will share in medical costs when on a vacation or serving a mission outside of the United States.
- You can join anytime of the year and membership is month-to-month. No contracts.
You can visit to learn more.
Interested in Joining Christian Health Insurance (AKA “Health Share Plan”)?
I realize you found this article because you were specifically looking for Christian Health Insurance (or to be more accurate, a Christian Health Share plan). While my recommendation above still stands, you can check out my updated list of the Best Health Share Plans, which also includes my recommendation for the Best Christian Health Share.
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