Health Share Plans are primarily focused on people who are proactive about living a healthy lifestyle. It's one of the reasons why Health Share plans are less expensive than Health Insurance - not everyone can join them. However, there are a lot of people who smoke who still try to live a heathy lifestyle, whether they are trying to quit smoking or not. Health Share … [Read more...] about Best Health Share Plans for People who Smoke Tobacco Products
HealthShare Basics
How to Save Hundreds (or more) a Month on Healthcare
You can save hundreds (or more) a month on your healthcare costs - and I will show you how simple and easy it is! Prescription Discounts Companies like GoodRx, OptumRx, and The Mark Cuban Cost Plus Drug Company will provide you with amazing discounts on your prescriptions. While you can find discounts on your prescriptions, you can get generic prescriptions for as low … [Read more...] about How to Save Hundreds (or more) a Month on Healthcare
Affordable Healthcare When You Leave Your Job
If trying to afford expensive Health Insurance on your own is keeping you from quitting a job or accepting one that you'd love - it's time to rethink your healthcare options. Health Insurance is not the only way to protect your finances if or when a large and unexpected medical bill comes your way. In fact, if you are truly looking for affordable healthcare, I recommend … [Read more...] about Affordable Healthcare When You Leave Your Job
Which Health Share Plan is the Best?
While there are many great Health Share plans to choose from, only you can determine which Health Share plan is right for you. But what if you don't know what details you should look into? Sometimes it's hard to do comparisons when you don't know what questions to ask. Don't worry about that, because I am going to go over some very important factors for you to consider … [Read more...] about Which Health Share Plan is the Best?
Affordable Health Share Plans for Freelancers
How Do You Get Affordable Healthcare If You Are A Freelancer? If you are a freelancer, you can join a Health Share Plan for truly affordable healthcare. In this post, I will explain what a Health Share is, how it works, the benefits, and which Health Share is the best fit if you are a freelancer. What is a Health Share? A Health Share Plan is a proven and … [Read more...] about Affordable Health Share Plans for Freelancers
Affordable Healthcare for Self-Employed Individuals
How Do You Get Affordable Healthcare If You Are Self-Employed? If you are self-employed, you can join a Health Share Plan for truly affordable healthcare. In this post, I will explain what a Health Share is, how it works, the benefits, and which Health Share is the best fit if you are self-employed. What is a Health Share? A Health Share Plan is a proven and … [Read more...] about Affordable Healthcare for Self-Employed Individuals
How Much Do Health Share Plans Cost?
Health Share Plans can cost anywhere between $78 to $199 a month for an individual in their twenties and between $516 to $1,750 a month for a family with the adults being in their fifties or sixties. This is a range of what members can pay each month, depending on which Health Share plan they choose, their age, and the amount of members on the account. For example, with … [Read more...] about How Much Do Health Share Plans Cost?
What Does a Health Share “IUA” Mean?
The Initial Unshareable Amount (commonly known as the “IUA”), is the amount the Health Share member would need to pay the medical provider before the Health Share community will “share” in any eligible medical expenses. The member chooses which IUA amount they want, based on what the Health Share offers. Typically, the larger the member’s responsibility amount is before the … [Read more...] about What Does a Health Share “IUA” Mean?
Are Health Share Plans ACA Compliant?
There are many Health Share Plans that are ACA Compliant. Health Share Plans that are ACA Compliant All recognized healthcare sharing ministries that have been continuously in existence since before the year 2000 are exempt from the individual ACA mandate. Here are the Health Share Plans that are ACA Compliant: Altrua HealthShare: In 2014 Altrua Ministries, dba … [Read more...] about Are Health Share Plans ACA Compliant?
How Health Shares Got Their Start
How Did Health Shares Get Started? Health Shares began in the 1980s when a beloved pastor in Ohio was in a terrible car accident. The pastor’s congregation came together to pay for all of his medical bills in less than two months. This same church community decided to continue following the biblical mandate to “bear one another’s burdens” by sharing healthcare costs within … [Read more...] about How Health Shares Got Their Start